Friday, March 6, 2015

Zippy in exile

Well - Zippy has been hanging-out in downtown Boulder for a full week due to the drifts of snow up at our house in the mtns. As I've documented, the i3 handles very well in snowy and slippery conditions... but it is understandably incapable of pushing through 24 inches of snow - especially up steeper inclines.

After sitting for seven days in temperatures ranging from -4 to 30 F the battery had only decreased from 80% to 75% - awesome.

Just a short drive this AM:
  • Distance: 11.6 miles
  • Average Speed: 40.3 mph
  • Consumption (mi/kWh): 3.0
  • Time: 16 minutes
The real test will be making it up the snowy driveway tonight - power-up Zippy.